FT8 på 7 MHz

Mottagning av FT8-signaler på 40 meter med mottagaren SDRplay RSP2

Om FT8 
ARRL News http://www.arrl.org/news/ft8-mode-is-latest-bright-shiny-object-in-amateur-radio-digital-world
Work the World with WSJT-X, Part 1: Operating Capabilities, QST October 2017
Understanding Propagation with JT65, JT9, and FT8, QST October 2017
Work the World with WSJT-X, Part 2: Codes, Modes, and Cooperative Software Development, QST November 2017

Om SDRplay RSP2 och SDRuno
SDRplay website
SDRuno User Manual http://www.sdrplay.com/docs/SDRplay_SDRuno_User_Manual.pdf
SDRuno Cookbook https://www.nn4f.com/SDRuno-cookbook.pdf
Instruktionsvideor SDRplay RSP2 och SDRuno
ARRL:s mätrapport http://www.sdrplay.com/wp-conte…/…/2017/09/QSTRSP2review.pdf
RSGB Review SDRplay RSP2